About Us

The founding partners had worked in telecom for many years before forming their own consulting company. Using experience in sales, customer care and provisioning they began the journey from new business owners to employers with full-time support staff.
We assist our customers by acting as liaison between themselves and their provider(s). This is something that is not considered a tangible value but rather a time value, how much is your time worth sitting on hold waiting to talk to a representative about dropped calls, slow internet, loss of connectivity or a billing fiasco? Time is valuable for every person. We take the time to call in a trouble, place a billing dispute, review a bill, look for alternative options on various telco/internet/hosting/phone system providers to achieve the customer goals. This gives our customers the time to get their own work done which they are good at and we work on what we know best. Our number #1 priority is our customers!

SinglePoint provides consultation and pricing options for a single or variety of services including voice, internet and phone systems; multiple quotes for comparison are always included free of charge and with no obligation.
The reason a customer would choose SinglePoint is to utilize our back office support.
We make a 5-10% residual based on the monthly billing paid by customer to their provider. This residual never affects the pricing our customers receive since the providers charge the same amounts to their direct customers. The providers do not need to pay salary; commission and benefits to agents as they do for direct sales personnel. In today’s world it is a total level playing field; however once your direct rep is paid you will never see or hear from them again, we always interact with our clients.

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